Lose a Student’s Attention by Trying Too Hard to Identify With Their Pop Culture
On top of this, be very careful with how you appropriate your students’ cultures. Every culture should be celebrated for its unique qualities, not just how the mainstream interprets them.
Lose a Student’s Attention by Being Sarcastic
Sarcasm has no place with children in a classroom. Period. It is belittling and leads to misunderstandings. Just stop.
Lose a Student’s Attention by Not Learning About Their Lives
Ask your students questions about their lives. Lots of questions. Let them know that you are invested in them as people, not just students. When you have a relationship with your students, your life is easier, and you will grow together.
Lose a Student’s Attention with Inconsistency
Don’t be wishy-washy. Don’t do it. Sometimes you are the only bit of consistency that your students have. Don’t take that away from them. This does not mean that you can’t change your mind, but it does mean that you may need to explain your reasoning from time to time.
Lose a Student’s Attention by Keeping Them In Their Seats
Lose a Student’s Attention by Playing Favorites
Repeat after me, FIRM BUT FAIR. One of the absolute worst feelings is when you feel like you are getting a raw deal. This is perpetuated when you don’t have the maturity to see that not everyone needs the same things.
Am I saying that everyone gets the same things and treatment all the time? Absolutely not. I am saying that everyone gets what they need.
Lose a Student’s Attention by Being Clueless About How They Are Feeling
Lose a Student’s Attention by Not Sharing About Yourself
Lose a Student’s Attention by Being Cold
Lose a Student’s Attention by Giving Commands
I have always chosen to treat students as adults by using my “pleases and thank yous” when requesting they do something. I feel that this serves the purpose of showing them that I respect them, while also modeling appropriate manners.