We all have them. Those energetic learners that just can’t sit still no matter what. It can be incredibly frustrating when you are trying to get something done, but why not embrace their energy and use it to your benefit?
If you have read many posts around here you probably already know that I am not a keep students in their seat quietly working kind of teacher. In fact, I am quite the opposite. Our classroom on an average day was pretty noisy and had a whole lot of movement. This is because I am not a sit still and quiet kind of person. I am much more likely to be the person being shushed than the one doing the shushing.
I am also a big believer that students need to talk out their learning. We don’t live in a just listen and digest society, so why in the world would our classrooms be that way either? Instead, a classroom should be built around movement and conversations, at least in my mind.
The following are just a few strategies that I have successfully used to embrace the energy that our students bring into the classroom, instead of trying to squash it.
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Brain Breaks
Stretching for Energetic Learners
Encourage Active Play At Recess for Energetic Learners
Calming Music for Energetic Learners
Control Stimulation for Energetic Learners
Kinesthetic Learning for Energetic Learners
Basically, if you can make a learning experience include movement do it. Whether this comes as “body spelling” your sight words (reach the ground for any letter below the line, your waist for on the line, and above your head for any letter above the midline) each day. Or maybe you create movements to help you with content vocabulary.
Any way you look at it, the more movement we have in our classrooms the better! For more ideas on including movement in the classroom check out this post.
Want more ideas for creating a positive classroom with a classroom management makeover? Check out this course from Teacher Trap!
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