It happens. There are days or even weeks when your class will drive you crazy. Sometimes it feels as though you will never make it out the other side again, but I am here to tell you that you can, and you will!
So, when you are being driven a little batty, here are some helpful reminders for regaining your sanity while keeping your students’ engagement high.
Keep Your Expectations High Even When They Are Driving You Crazy
Think Through Your Challenges
Luckily, in this case, I only got through the third step, but I understand that there are situations that you get through the whole alphabet of steps before making any progress.
Consistency is Key When They Are Driving Your Crazy
As human beings, we crave consistency, and so do our students, even when we don’t think we do. You and your class will both be thankful for the consistency, even if you aren’t at the moment.
Pick Your Battles

We both kept our students engaged in our own rooms. We picked our battles of what we could live with, and our rooms functioned flawlessly.
Wrapping Up
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