Happy Teachers Deal with Stress by Exercising
Happy Teachers Deal with Stress by Taking a Break
Happy Teachers Deal with Stress by Using the Buddy System
Happy Teachers Deal with Stress by Remembering
That They Are Only Human
Sometimes it is hard for us as teachers to remember that we are mere mortals. I mean our students worship us, so our heads can get a little fuzzy on the idea. It is okay to take a step back and say that is enough for today or it is okay to not be perfect. We don’t have to be all the things all the time for all the people try as we might.
For me, learning to accept imperfections within the classroom was one of the hardest lessons for me to learn. I had the worst time not redoing items that had a smudge or practicing my handwriting when both of these things were trivial, had no effect on my students, and really just stressed me out more. Talk about lose-lose.
It wasn’t until I was able to tell myself that I could only do so much and stopped pretending to have it all together that I was able to flourish as a teacher. I spent more time on what mattered and less time, if any, on the things that didn’t. This also allowed me to rediscover some hobbies I had before teaching.
For more ideas on how to be happier as a teacher check out 11 Things Happy Teachers Don’t Do.

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