Sweet, sweet summertime is upon us. If you are a teacher I am guessing you fall into one of two categories. Either you spent your first week of summer break holed up in your house doing nothing or you did all the things you have been putting off throughout the school year. No judgment here either way. Every teacher should do what they feel like over the summer.
I was always a do nothing for a while kind of gal, but then I learned that by doing things throughout the summer it made my life a whole lot easier. Today I have put together a list of ten things I think every teacher should do over the summer.
Every teacher should find some new recipes you love! I know during the school year cooking can be the last thing on your mind, so take advantage of the summertime and figure out what you like and how to make it in the quickest and easiest way possible.
When you aren’t feeling so rushed it is a lot easier to find nutritious and delicious recipes that can become staples in your house. Save up these recipes in an app or a binder.
I do this about once a year and try to have ten new recipes I can prepare in half an hour or less by the end of my trials. This means I can add them to the rotation during the school year and stop eating red beans and rice quite so often, even though I still will because I love them.
Every teacher should binge on Netflix or Hulu or Amazon or HBO or just regular old TV. Give yourself some time to do nothing.
This doesn’t mean you spend your whole summer watching television but give yourself permission to have some solid blocks where you can turn your brain off. Catch up on all those shows you have been avoiding spoilers for the whole year.
Find a series you really love and go to town!
If you are like me you don’t sit well still, so I like to do crossword puzzles or sudoku while binging. Sometimes I will even cut laminate.
Every teacher should treat themselves. Make it a habit to take care of yourself. This is going to mean something different for each person, but a little bit of pampering goes a long way.
Personally, I LOVE to get pedicures, but it isn’t something I do often. Over the summer when my toes will be out and on display, I try to treat myself once a month or so and then do my own touchups in between.
I also have been really into the sheet face masks I can do at home. They leave me feeling refreshed and my skin aglow. Bonus-I can wear one while binging on television.
Whatever it is you do to take care of yourself ramp it up just a notch over the summer!
Every teacher should enjoy being available in the middle of the day. As teachers, we can take advantage of being open in the middle of the day to do things like catch a movie, do the Target stroll, or hit up a hot lunch spot.
There is something about seeing a movie in the middle of the day in a nearly empty theater that leaves me feeling refreshed. It feels like such a privilege. An extra bonus is movie theaters are usually nice and cool when it is a million degrees here in Texas.
Every teacher should take care of the musts. There are a lot of musts that have to happen over the summer to make the rest of the year work. For example, taking care of doctors’ appointments, getting your car serviced, and other tasks that can only occur during the working day.
Personally, I like to block these items all together and take care of them in one chunk. It means more time for enjoying the summer and fewer things to not so much look forward to.
Every teacher should get together with your teaching team for a social occasion. It’s okay to talk a little shop but try to keep it to a minimum.
Instead take the time away from school to really get to know your teammates. Grab some lunch from a place
you wouldn’t normally go and chat about your lives.
Getting to know your colleagues outside of school is invaluable and helps you to understand what makes one another tick. This means more understanding when working together which is all around helpful.
Every teacher should try something new! During the school year, I got stuck in the worst ruts of repeating routine over and over again. Take the summertime to try out something you haven’t before.
This can be big or small. It might mean trying out a new swimming hole you have heard about all year or taking a trip somewhere new. Nothing is too big or too small!
Personally, I love to travel. Each summer I try to take one bigger trip to somewhere new as several smaller day trips within the area to places I haven’t been before. There is something about being in a new place that gets me excited for life!
Every teacher should take some time to reflect on how the last school year went. What went well, what needs improvement, and what should be thrown in the dumpster and never spoken of again?
By taking the time to reflect on a school year we can think about the good, the bad, and the ugly while getting some closure on the year.
I like to do this the first week of summer break. It gives me the mental permission o enjoy the summer and move on from the school year.
Every teacher should better themselves. As a group teachers are a curious bunch. That means we crave constant growth and learning.
This growth doesn’t have to be school related. Instead, pick something you have always wanted to do and give it a go. I recently began learning how to knit. I will tell you, it is not going great, but it definitely gives me something to work towards and is another great fidgety thing I can do while watching entire seasons of West Wing in a single day.
By learning something new we keep our brains active and ready to intake new information so we don’t have such a learning hangover when going back to school.
Every teacher should think about the next school year. Hear me out on this one. I am not talking plan entire semesters worth of content the first week you are out of school. Instead, take a couple of hours a week and think through how you want your room to be organized and what you want to implement new this year.
If you are planning new stations or centers summer is the perfect time to put them together without stressing over having them ready for the next day.
Taking a few hours here and there over the summer means a lot less stress for back to school.
Moral of the Story
Every teacher should take time for themselves over the summer to relax, take care of themselves, and try something new! Also, doing a little bit of planning and prep with no deadline can go a long way to making your life during the school year easier.
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