You may have heard about the Digital Stinky Feet Game Template, but are probably left with more questions than answers. This post has 5 secrets that will get you rocking with your classroom review games faster than you can say Stinky Feet!
Digital Stinky Feet Game Template Secrets
Secret #1
The Digital Stinky Feet Game template can be used over and over again. That means that once you have the template you can make as many versions of the game as you want. We are talking games for days, months, years!
Secret #2
You don’t need to write your own questions!
Writing endless numbers of questions on a topic can be mind-numbing, believe me! Why would you do this to yourself?
Instead of spending hours thinking of unique questions, use what you’ve already got. This means task cards you may have purchased, worksheets from your curriculum, questions from released tests, test bank elements, or anything else you have at your disposal.
Within your own classroom, you can copy or screenshot all the questions you want to include and paste them right into the template. This way, the only thing you have to actually type is the answers. Plus, once you do it the first time, that set of questions is there for the future. Simply use the Save-As option and name your new document.
Secret #3
This review game is perfect for when you will be out because a student or sub can run it.
This template, once created, is so easy to use you can leave it as part of your sub plans. Not only that, but you could leave it for your students to create and then play.
I LOVED having my students each submit a question for the review using a Google Form and then copy/pasting the question and answer in for our end-of-unit review. This took the stress of writing or finding questions off of me, and students always got super excited to see their questions come up. Plus, the questions they wrote were always WAY harder than the ones I would have included.
Secret #4
The Digital Stinky Feet game template can be used in PowerPoint or Google Slides. This means it can be assigned within Google Classroom for students to complete independently. For more on this, check out this post.
To use the Digital Stinky Feet game template in Google Slides, begin by opening a blank Slides file. Then select Open from the File menu. From there you can select the PowerPoint file and it will convert to Slides, place it in Present Mode, and you are ready to play.
This is the same process you would use to have students create their own version, just start them off with the blank editable template.
Secret #5
My final secret to share about the Digital Stinky Feet game template is to save your created versions as “Read-Only” files. If you have bought one of my pre-created versions before you already know this is what I do. It serves a dual purpose.
First, by saving it as a read-only file you are protecting the action buttons. This keeps random clicks from changing the way the game plays and can save you a lot of headaches. Second, it protects your questions from being changed by students.
To create a read-only file within PowerPoint, choose the File menu and select Passwords. Then select the tick box for requiring a password to modify the presentation. Once you set the password and save the document anyone who tries to open it will be presented with a dialogue box asking for the password. Instead of entering it, they can select the option for read-only and play the game without the ability to make changes.
Are You Ready to Play with the Digital Stinky Feet Game Template?
Click here to hop on over and get a copy of your own or explore the premade versions waiting for you!
Stinky Feet Directions

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