The cooperative learning strategy Fan and Pick is one of my students’ favorites! It is easy to implement, completed as a team, and can be used with any content area or just as a team builder! As you know I am a big fan of group learning, and this definitely fits the bill.
About Fan and Pick
What materials do I need for the Fan and Pick strategy?
Directions for Fan and Pick
1. Establish a group of four
2. Use the “role placemat” to assign roles to students.
3. Student A then fans out the cards and says, “Pick a card, any card!”
4. Student B chooses a card at random and reads it to the group.
3. Student C answers the question.
4. Student D either praises or coaches student C (if coaching I teach “tip, tip, tell” details below.)
5. The “role placemat” is rotated so that student A becomes student B and so forth, and the process is repeated.
6. Continue to repeat the process for your allotted time.
Of note: I usually have students place the card that has been answered back into the Fan and Pick pile to be used again. This allows multiple students practice with the same question. I do however tell students that if they draw the same card twice they have to choose a second one.
How to Differentiate Fan and Pick
The collaborative nature of Fan and Pick and the positive interdependence it builds is a great team building exercise that encourages students to work together towards their common goal.
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