The end of the year is coming and the goose is getting fat… wrong song, wrong time of year? I am sorry but I can’t help but be over the moon that the end of the school year is almost here. Whether you get out at the end of May or June the end is nigh! I just wanted to shout that one more time.
Every year about this time we start getting antsy, and oh yeah, our students do too. It is tempting to fill the end of the year with Bill Nye videos, games, and extra long recesses. I would like to encourage you to do more though.
More? More you ask me? I know you are worn out, but why not take the time to really enjoy your students this time of year and allow them to bond with one another before the summer break?
With these activities, students can share their learning and excitement with one another all while staying engaged up until the very last moment of the very last day.
Spider Story
Students sit in a circle and are given a ball of yarn. Beginning with the student who holds the yarn they say one sentence of a story then passes the yarn. The next student adds a sentence and the process continues until you run out of yarn or the story is complete.
You could easily modify this activity by changing it up a bit. Instead of telling a story students could talk about their favorite memory from the school year, name a fact they learned this year, or ask a question that they have been wondering.
Compliment Capes
This activity is a great way to increase student self-esteem at the end of the year. Each student is given a piece of regular white printer paper that is taped to their back. Students all stand up with a marker each and travel around the room writing positive messages to their classmates on their “capes.”
This is an awesome activity to complete right before standardized testing or in the afternoons following the big test when students are drained and feeling a bit eh.
Do you have a classroom full of students who just can’t get enough reading time? Then a read-a-thon is for you! Have your students choose a book and a spot and read their little hearts out!
I encourage students to read together if they would like, or on their own, or in small groups. We pause throughout the read-a-thon for dramatic read aloud, students to share their discoveries, and for stretch breaks. My students always loved this precious time.
Cooperative Learning Activities

All strategies would be great for the end of the year. To make your life SUPER easy I have this set of 11 pre-made activities that are ready to print and go. Really you don’t have to do anything but make copies and cut. (Let’s be honest, sometimes I just have my students do the cutting.)
This awesome pack is chock full of activities that you can use multiple times to keep students engaged in the afternoons of testing days as well as up to the final bell on the final day of school. Check it out! With more than 100 pages of activities, templates, and directions your students are sure to feel the classroom community love!
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