Let me set the scene for you. It is the last few weeks before the end of the year or the big test. You and your student are in full-on review mode. You have written so many review questions you no longer know which way is up, but still you need more.
Have you ever found yourself here? I know I have, many times.
Review Question Exhaustion
We all get fatigued at writing questions until we can’t see straight. It would be so much easier for there to be a magic wand to wave or a resource with just the right questions for your students, but alas, all you can find are questions that aren’t quite right.
What If Your Students Wrote Their Own Review Questions?
Wait, you say, is this possible?!?
It sure is, and I am here to tell you that the review questions my students wrote over the years were some of the most rigorous and thoughtfully targeted questions I have come across. In fact, they put the ones I wrote while teaching to shame.
A Checklist for Review Questions
When I first started having my students write their own questions it was a little rough, but with a little modeling and a checklist (which you can grab below for FREE) soon they were knocking it out of the park!
This checklist allowed them to see all the components that were needed, including double checking their work and providing an answer key, and kept everyone accountable.
The process of writing their questions then going through the checklist is a double whammy, because they really have to think through what makes a good question AND solve it.
What Will I Do With All These Review Questions?
Anything you want!
First, sit back and take a sip of your still-warm coffee or tea. Then, savor the moment as you read through your impressively large bank of review questions. These questions are ready to be presented to the class for a review game. Just you wait until you see each student light up with joy as their question is revealed.
My FAVORITE way to review is with Digital Stinky Feet and this editable template can be used over and over again with all the questions your students write!