This product is a bundle of ALL the Texas history task cards found in the Teaching in the Fast Lane store. Each set can be purchased separately or in this bundle to save! Each set of task cards is complete and covers a unit from Texas history.
Included in this product are:
18 sets of Texas history task cards
Recording sheet for students to record their answers
Answer key so that you or the students can check their work
Task Card Sets included:
Map Skills
Texas Symbols
Regions of Texas with optional self checking QR Codes
Native Americans with optional self checking QR Codes
European Explorers
Missions of Texas
Colonization of Texas
Texas Revolution
Republic of Texas
Annexation with optional self checking QR Codes
Civil War
Reconstruction with optional self checking QR Codes
Frontier Texas with optional self checking QR Codes
Cattle and Railroads with optional self checking QR Codes
Oil Boom with optional self checking QR Codes
WWI with optional self checking QR Codes
WWII with optional self checking QR Codes
Although many sets include self checking QR Codes they do not have to be used, but they add a touch of technology to the lesson to mix things up.
Some ideas for using these cards are:
Test prep and review
As a center
Partner work
Small group review or activity
Independent work
Scavenger hunt (My personal favorite-hang the cards in random order all around the room. Students hunt for each card and record their answers.)
Play a whole class game such as Scoot
Play Quiz-Quiz-Trade
I LOVE to include task cards in my classroom routine because there are so many ways to use them!
Want a whole year’s worth of Texas History materials all in one place? Check out thisĀ Ultimate Texas History Bundle!
**Updated December 2016***
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