Are you looking for a FUN way to REVIEW content from throughout the year? Look no further than Hot Stew Review! Hot Stew Review is a new and fun PowerPoint review game that is all digital and keeps every team in the game until the last question.
What is Hot Stew Review?
Hot Stew Review is a cooperative review game played in teams. After each question, teams who answered correctly are able to choose a vegetable to reveal points with the goal of being the winning team by the end of all 20 questions. The inclusion of positive and negative points as well as options for teams to double their points, lose half their points, or lose all their points mean every team is in the game until the last possible moment keeping engagement high and students working hard!
Why Hot Stew Review
This ready to go digital review game means you are ready to download and play right away, taking the prep work out of review games while keeping rigor and engagement high!
What Is Included In This Resource?
⭐PDF with Directions and Tips
⭐Printable Team Recording Sheets to Keep Point Tracking Easy
⭐A Read-Only PowerPoint with 20 Fractions Operations Questions and Answers slides for students to respond to along with 20 opportunities to earn points complete with action buttons to move you through the game
What Standards is This Game Based On?
This resource is based on the TEKS. When applicable I have also included in the tags for the CCSS in the profile of the resource.
- 5.3H represent and solve addition and subtraction of fractions with unequal denominators referring to the same whole using objects and pictorial models and properties of operations
- 5.3I represent and solve multiplication of a whole number and a fraction that refers to the same whole using objects and pictorial models, including area models
- 5.3J represent division of a unit fraction by a whole number and the division of a whole number by a unit fraction such as 1/3 ÷ 7 and 7 ÷ 1/3 using objects and pictorial models, including area models
- 5.3L divide whole numbers by unit fractions and unit fractions by whole numbers
Why Should I Play Hot Stew Review?
To engage your students in meaningful, cooperative review without hitting them with another worksheet!
Please check out the video preview to see what the PowerPoint will look like. Each topic contains its own unique 20 questions and answers, but the format will be the same.
⚠️This review game requires PowerPoint or Googles Slides to play the game and is NOT editable in any way. When you open the file it will prompt you to enter a password, instead click the option for read-only in the lower left corner of the dialogue box. Once the file is open, place in slide show or presentation mode and you are ready to go! To save, drag the file from downloads to your desktop, then you should be able to save. ⚠️
More Hot Stew Review 5th Grade Math Games:
- Decimals
- Simplifying Expressions
- Multiplying Decimals to the Hundredths
- Dividing Decimals to the Hundredths
- Addition and Subtraction of Rational Numbers
- Fraction Operations
- Equations with an Unknown
- Generating Numerical Patterns
- Perimeter, Area, and Volume
- Problem Solving with Data
- 2D Figures
- Graphing Ordered Pairs
- End of Year Review
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