Decimals Task Cards


Total Pages: 12
File Size: 1 MB


These decimals task cards are the perfect way to engage students in review without worksheets. 24 Task cards based on the 4th grade decimals math standards. These task cards are TEKS based and great for review or assessment and can even be used to play a decimals review game.

Included in this resource:

  • 24 Task Cards
  • Recording Sheet
  • Answer Key
  • Teacher and Student Directions
  • PDF with 10 Ways to Use Task Cards to Inspire Engaging Instruction

These task cards are a great way to review the 4th grade math standards for decimals including how they relate to fractions. Each task card has an open-ended question for students to answer.

This set of task cards is based on the 4th grade math TEKS. When applicable I have also tagged the CCSS.

  • 4.2E represent decimals, including tenths and hundredths, using concrete and visual models and money
  • 4.2F compare and order decimals using concrete and visual models to the hundredths
  • 4.2G relate decimals to fractions that name tenths and hundredths
  • 4.2H determine the corresponding decimal to the tenths or hundredths place of a specified point on a number line

More 4th Grade Standards Based Task Cards for Test Prep


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